Specifically, failing the Security+ exam helped me succeed in helping thousands of others pass this exam. Years ago, I failed the Security+ exam the first time I took it.
Failed it. Two hundred and some dollars down the drain. This was back when the exam was in the SY0-101 version so it was a few moons ago when the exam was cheaper. Today, it's $302 (unless you use the free voucher code to get 10% off).
Failures, repeated failures, are finger posts on the road to achievement. One fails forward toward success.It was a humbling experience.
- C. S. Lewis
I didn't fail because the material was beyond my grasp. I had been working in IT for several years, and regularly taught Microsoft MCSE certification courses around the country.
Many of these courses included advanced security topics. No, I failed it because I took the exam for granted.
I believed the people that told me the exam was easy. (Of course, anything is easy when you know it - just make sure you know it before you believe it's easy.)
It's not a mistake I wanted to repeat.
Success...Read the rest of the article here.